Sunday, September 30, 2007

Week 1 Update

Well I've surived an entire week here! Woohoo! I've learned a few things. St. Andrews really is as beautiful as everyone told me, and I LOVE boxing! Just got back from my second workout with the club. It's intense, but its going to whip my ass into shape and its a good outlet for my anger. I haven't started classes yet, and I'm actually not sure when I do. Some people start tomorrow, but I'm not sure. My advisor is a little kooky, but I like them that way. I've not been sleeping well, which is quite unfortunate, but hopefully boxing will put me back on a regular schedule. I'm also not quite sure how I feel about my flatmates yet, but as Lera said, I'm trying desperatley to keep an open mind. It's hard though when they dont make any effort to include me and/or keep it quiet when I'm suffering from a horrible migraine.

Oh I matriculated yesterday. Which is some fancy British word for becoming an official student at the university. I got my ID card and everything. Now if only I knew when classes were staring etc.....haha

Oh well, for now I'll run on the beach (Chariots of Fire was filmed on the beach I've been running on, how could I resist) and box.

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